Mithila Sharma   
Movie's Credit : Cast / Special Appearance / Choreographer

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The trailer of the movie 'Aama' has released 

LensNepal December 20, 2019
The trailer of the movie 'Aama' has released 

The release trailer of the movie directed by Dipendra K Khanal shows the abandonment, dedication and struggle of a daughter to save her father who is trapped in a hospital bed. While watching the trailer,the movie revolves around the father. Like the name, Khanal says the story shows the mother sacrifice and dedication.
The movie has a cinematography by director Khanal, his story, editing by Dirgha Khadka and music by Subhash Bhusal. Starring actors like Surakshya Pants, Mithila Sharma, Deshbhakta Khanal, Sarita Giri, Manish Niraula, Laxmi Bhushal, Tika Pahari, Padam Prasad Poudel, Aashant Sharma and others.

The movie is produced under the banner of DS Digital. The movie is produced by Sarmila Pandey and co-produced by Santosh Adhikari. 

The movie is going to release on February 21.

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